Monday, May 18, 2009

Blinded by the light...

As a designer of 2 years in SL, I admit, I have been afraid of offering up my product for reviews by the blog world or magazines. Perhaps I fear failing at something I love so much. But that is about to change...and actually quite by accident.
The other day, I had the opportunity to give a gift to an exclusive group celebration (Thank you Katlene) . Well as you all know, I donate first, ask questions later LOL. I love to give gifts because my products are made of love. Thats probaby why I have always done monthly hunts. Well I chose Toxica, my latest design in my mermaid av's. As I arrive to drop off my gift, I come face to face with none other than the very well known Callie Cline. Yup, it was her celebrate bloggers and all they do for the fashion community. I found out that I was giving a gift to all the bloggers :) Now don't get me wrong, I am glad to do so. They work hard! But I slowly felt the fear creep up into my chest from the pit of my stomach as I start to my gift good enough? Will they all look at it as an abomination of fashion? I mean, I am always giving my stuff to those who come to ME and say I love your stuff!!! My audience is those of you who value my work. So no big risk there ;) I choke back my fear and put a smile on my face. I reminded myself that I do this for the love of creation and I am simply doing what I love.
I was invited to attend the wonderful party and meet some of the amazing people who make up the fashion blogging world. I was amazed at the pure humble natures of most of these people and at that moment I felt that I had made a good choice. So being the bashful person I am in large groups, (yes I said bashful LOL) I started to profile surf and check out the works of some of these people. Pretty awesome talent out there! But I was saddened by some of the comments I was hearing by those people who just like to stir up drama. So I wanted to personally add my own thoughts to the issue...

*climbs up on her soap box a moment* Frankly I think its silly for anyone to call bloggers "freeloaders" including bloggers feeling they themselves are...Here is something to think about: for designers, a blogger is writing about 'your' store for no money. Its promotion for your work! So giving a blogger your product is no different than paying a writer to write a press release or other PR work, aside from the fact that it doesn't cost you a dime ;) And for the shoppers, a blogger is helping 'you' to find amazing products so that you don't have to surf every single store out there! So whats the issue? I think the bloggers out there have earned their free product, because they write for it. So thank-you bloggers to those of you who write because you love what you do. Thank-you to those of you who reject clique writing in lieu of writing openly and without restriction. Never be afraid to compliment a designer by letting us know you think we are worthy of your time! Time is a precious commodity! Happy Bloggers Week!

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