Tuesday, May 19, 2009

FFC Fantasy Faire 2009 & Extra hunts we are involved in

Just the other day I received an invitation to be a part of the first ever FFC Fantasy Faire 2009. This week-long event is to help raise money for Relay For Life and will be spread over an unspecified number of sims, each featuring a specific theme and only 20 of the top designers of that genre. Friends Fighting Cancer (FFC), will be hosting events and fund raisers to benefit those suffering from the devastating effects of cancer June 15-21st. After reading the info, I immediately and graciously accepted and commenced with the forms and reserving my place in the elven sim.
Now, deciding between the elven and mermaid sim was the toughest choice of all! Since I do primarily mermaid avatars, I started to lean towards the mermaid sector...but then I thought about all the fairy and elven creations I have and those far outweigh the avatars. And besides, a mermaid out of water is more plausible than elves and fairies living under the sea...so it was decided to reserve the elven space. I must say that I was very flattered to be considered a top fantasy designer and my heart has swelled up bunches! Thanks to all of you shoppers for your encouragement to keep creating and exploring new ideas!
For more in depth coverage on this event, please visit their site http://fantasyfaire2009.wordpress.com/

Added Grid Hunt

We also have one last hunt for June and that is the GL "OMG....It's another hunt". Katlene is known for her awesome hunts and I just simply couldn't be left out of this one. So we have added the last June hunt to the exceptionally long list of TempT involved hunts!
Its a good thing I love doing freebies!
Visit the Greatest Love website http://thegreatestlove.wordpress.com/

Now I am off to get a few projects finished !

1 comment:

  1. Great Fantasy Faire 2009 mention. Thanks, Evar Lexington (Media Team) Tweet me at EvarLexington
